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With Veetle you will be able to watch television by means of the P2P protocol. Download Veetle free and enjoy these thematic broadcasts with great quality


High quality system to watch TV using P2P

January 26, 2012
8 / 10

If you have discovered television over the Internet and you want to enjoy channels with improved image quality, you have to try Veetle. This system to watch television is based on P2P just like SopCast and PPLive, but with the major difference that the image and sound quality are incredible in comparison with other similar methods.

The best TV over the Internet

Veetle has several thematic channels, from some sports channels that offer us football, basketball, and golf twenty-four hours a day, to high definition films or international news programs.

All these channels are only accessible from the web, through our browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer or Safari), so we will never see Veetle accessible from our start menu. We will also have the possibility to register on their website to be able to comment on the programs we watch on each channel or to start our own broadcast.

See how Veetle has reinvented the concept of television over the Internet, and start discovering the best thematic channels with this great application.

Héctor Hernández

As a technology journalist with over 12 years of experience in the world of software and apps, I have had the opportunity to try all kinds of devices and operating systems over the years. I have done from software or mobile applications reviews...

Antony Peel

Antony Peel
